It has been people's stereotypes that it's great to master in English, in Indonesia. It is, indeed, important to master it, after all. That's why we never stop learning it. So do I. For this blog, I am trying to put my English writing skill to the test. I want it to be improved with the least cost as possible. Ha. And I do think, that, I still need a lot of practice on writing.
(See? this paragraph leads to nowhere xD)
Or not. So, underline "put my English writing skill to the test" as my first purpose on . . . I suppose you will find the others on each paragraph, so keep an eye on them, yes?
Assume you have more than one language that you know, or you master. And you nearly use the every day, even you just say it in your mind. You know the languages well. Then, you have this one situation, where you are needed to give an opinion, in one language, example: Bahasa Indonesia. But, you feel that you'll explain better and you know that people get your point better when using the other language, example: English. Moreover, you are more comfortable to use one over another.
At the right side of my blog, below the statistic, there's the translator tool, which is a widget from blogger. You can choose whatever language you want. And boom! There you have, my blog is translated to the language you chose. I assumed that to be able to translate all parts of the blog, the words have to be written in one language. And that is why I, sometimes struggle, use English for this blog. Well, maybe there will be the times when I think that it is more comfortable to use Bahasa Indonesia for my blog post.