Have you ever thought why you were born in this world? What's the purpose and why God makes you one of a kind?
Have you ever thought why we need to have a goal of doing something, even when we don't really want to do it?
Have you ever thought why life goes on meanwhile we, sometimes, keep looking back to our past?
Have you ever thought why you did things you did? Are those even worth to do?
Have you ever thought why you must give to others?
Have you ever thought why you keep receiving from others?
Have you ever thiught why, in the end of the day, you smile, eventhough there's at least one thing that upset you in a day?
Have you ever thought why you struggle for living in happiness?
Have you ever thought why you are where you are now?
Have you ever thought why you are what you are now?
Have you ever thought why you are who you are now?
Have you ever thought why there's so many 'whys' to be questioned?
It is LOVE.
When you love and you are loved, by God (always), family, friends, or people surrounds you that even you don't know, you can face the day with smile and hope, that tomorrow is gonna be better.
If you believe.
If you surrender.
If you let things happen by the grace of God.
Because you KNOW, God loves you. And He sends people surround you, for you to love, and to be loved.